Sunday, October 23, 2016

Creating a Webpage

Vanessa's Webpage

Welcome to Vanessa's Webpage!

I'm pretty sure I was a sophomore in high school when I was taking a digital design class. I started learning how to code and use HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) as a class assignment, and it was pretty fascinating to me. It was like learning a foreign language. But just how I forgot most of what I learned during my two years of Spanish class, I definitely forgot about how to use HTML and CSS as well. Luckily, there’s a great site that was extremely helpful for refreshing that knowledge called This site provides step-by-step interactive tutorials to help you practice and familiarize yourself with the concepts. Hooray for the Internet! (there's no way in heck I could have made this if I didn't have that site to refer to!!)

So for this blog post, I am using the HTML option to create my “web page”. I know you can't tell that I used the HTML option as opposed to the regular option, but that means I did it correctly! Because of that, I will include a picture of what it actually looks like/how I typed it out:

I know I didn’t make a fancy page with music, memes, and GIFs, but this is just for the basics!

Overall, I believe that anyone has the ability to learn how to make their own webpage! All it takes is a little practice and memorization. I think it is interesting to learn about how webpages and sites are created because they are such a monumental part of our everyday life. Thanks for reading!

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